Sat 1 Apr 2006
Video on Fansubbing starring Tofusensei online at! WATCH!
Posted by Tofusensei under General
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Hi guys. I am proud to say that I helped out in the making of a video for the International Film Channel on the history of fansubbing. It goes from the early days all the way to the modern bit torrent model.
Anyway, it’s definitely worth watching either as a history lesson or a trip down memory lane. is tracking the number of hits so if it get watched a lot they will commission more episodes! Please watch it and tell your friends!
Anyway, to watch the video is a little tricky. Please follow these instructions:
Go to (if, for some reason, you have trouble getting into that, try, click on “UNCUT ON DEMAND” at the top of the page. When the viewer pops up, click “pause” to stop the exceptionally loud promo, make sure it is on “all videos” then click “SERIES,” and then “SAMURAI 7.” The two episodes for “ANIME in the USA” are at the top of the menu. My starring role is in “Tapes from the Underground,” but be sure to check out “Eisenstein-Sensei” as well.
Enjoy! Please leave your comments~
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