Thu 14 Jul 2005
OUT: Rose of Versailles 40 – ROV BASTILLE DAY FINALE PART 2 !
Posted by gumbaloom under General
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It is with great pleasure that on this momentious day marking the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille that Live-eviL brings you the final episode of Rose of Versailles and in doing so Live-eviL concludes one of its subtitling projects.
Watch the tragic, tearjerking climax to one of the most classic anime drama series of all time. We hope that you’ve enjoyed watching the series as much as we have enjoyed working on this show. If you are reading this post and wondering whether you should watch this series we can answer with a resounding YES! to that question. We hope that by concluding our subtitling of this series that it will open peoples eyes to the joys of classic overlooked anime series which can be as intense in story and drama as any of the modern anime series which are airing in Japan now.
If you have enjoyed Rose of Versailles please tell your friends about it and in the process they can learn a bit of French history too !.
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