Archive for April 8th, 2005

Another day, another episode of Rose of Versailles. I hope you are all enjoying this Lady Oscar goodness! It only gets better from here on out 🙂

Please post in the forums! It’d mean a lot to all of us *_*

Filesize is 155,764,736 bytes, CRC is 628AC1E3, md5 hash is 267bcd273cb2f24c49954b98313147cd.



Woops, forgot to post this yesterday. We released Rose of Versailles ep 29 yesterday. Forgive the large filesize, the raw was particularly difficult to work with 🙂 No other episodes will even approach 200 megs.


Filesize is 237,168,640 bytes, the CRC is BB902E38, and the md5 hash is 517ee78bcf69603cd624f7f7424d59c8.
