Wed 30 Oct 2013
OUT: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu “Mottai Night Land” PV (720p) – HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Posted by Tofusensei under Releases
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Hi guys. Today we bring you a fun release in time for Halloween, the music video for Kyary Pamyu Pamyu’s newest single, “Mottai Night Land.” It’s a fun song about being drifted away to a magical dream world. Check it out! The single drops November 6th.
You can get the file from bit torrent HERE or from the xdcc bots in #live-evil on
Happy Halloween, guys! Hope the ghosts don’t scare you too much ๐
P.S. we’re currently recruiting for TRANSLATORS and QUALITY CHECKERS for our many on-going and unannounced projects. If you want to join the oldest active fansub group online (since 2001!) that is actually subbing shows that AREN’T being translated on Crunchyroll and other places, come reach out! Feel free to message me (Tofusensei) in @live-evil on or shoot me an email at
About “unannounced projects”, do you mean “next to come” projects or projects submitted by the translators themselves?
We’ve been storing a bunch of raws for shows that have never been translated before (or never in the modern era), so it’s really up to the translators as to what they want to work on!
Hey Tofu, I believe central-anime’s older than live-evil ๐