Archive for November, 2013


Have any of you ever wanted to get their paws dirty in the fansub field?

Well, we are in need of QC staff ( IE script checkers and the like. )

Arr ewe gut at speeling and gramer? Harr ewe shure that a Preperation is the wrong thing to end a santance with?

Har ewe gut at Spoting eronious punkuation , ans horridspeelings and santance structure?!?!

Then we are looking Fur ewe to be on our QC staph!.

( Hey! It is NOT easy typing this in… :/ trust me! )

As I heard someone say in HS once.
“You ain’t getting nowhere in life using no double negatives! “

( %50 don’t get that.)

But, if you feel you are up the task of Qcer ( and have the free time. )
the how to is easy…
If this has not scared you away, please read,
and you are STILL not recoiling in terror, please feel free to e-mail me at Or TLY at
QC has always been a log-jam for us, Now that we have TLs flowing at a more healthy pace, we really wish to get on top of this once and for all!

Thank you.
Suzaku and the staff of L-E
Meow baby! =^-^=

Moving right along, we present you with episode #16! ( See, I told you we would be hitting you with a faster pace, did I not? :p ) In this chapter, An Exciting and Dangerous Live TV Broadcast!, Banri has decided to take the direct approach with her attacks on Meirin, no longer is she resulting to dark subterfuge, she has something much more bold and daring in mind to try and rob Dr Rin of her powers! Will she succeed this time? Find out!

Enjoy! Suzaku.
Meow baby! =^-^=
Dr Rin#16 h264
Size: 209,165,298 bytes
MD5: C733EC4B466949F12564D52733BE7E56

As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, #live-evil or grab it off BitTorrent.

Hi, everyone! We’re happy to present another episode of 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother! Will Marco receive a letter from his mother? Will he be able to gain passage to Argentina? Well, you’ll just have to watch and see! Enjoy!

– EmptySoul (C1Anime)

Episode Title: Marco’s Decision
Filename: [L-E & C1]3000 Leagues in Search of Mother – 14 [6CC274A5].mkv
Size: 274,421,529 bytes
CRC: 6CC274A5
MD5: 940527bbc9b2ab096f0202b90428c6d7

As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel,?#live-evil grab it off?BitTorrent.
