Sun 31 Dec 2006
OUT: Captain Harlock (TV-1978) – Episode 20, Special Edition!
Posted by YaoiBoy under Releases
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The Dead Planet Jura
The Arcadia is on its way back to Earth and has to pass by Mime’s home planet. Curious to see what has become of her homeland after the disaster, Mime persuades Harlock to investigate. Mime puts another issue in her past to rest.
Some beautiful new music in this episode. ^_^
Usual features apply:
* Brand new 5.1 AC3 surround sound, along w/ 2.0 stereo sound and the original mono audio track
* Formatted and Unformatted soft-subbed English subtitle tracks
* Chapter Stops
* Optional clean opening and closing animation
* Region 2 DVD video source
* Corn Pone Flicks Translation
File info:
Filesize: 279710301
CRC: 1F54F691
MD5: 2e2fcb889043ee61d4acff99f0152102
Get it from the bots in our IRC channel or grab it off BitTorrent.
Thanks and enjoy,