Archive for November, 2006

This week:
Misora’s disappearance leaves a clue for L. L narrows the search even more… and Light is still suspect. How can Light maintain the facade of an ordinary high school student while under full-time surveillance? And how many potato chips does it take?

File info:
Filename: [Live-evil]_Death_Note_08_[CD870ADE].avi
MD5: ea17091dcda43468595a2a2e6d8402a0
Size: 182980608

As usual, you can get it from the bots in our IRC channel, or grab it off BitTorrent. Brought to you by the Ladies of Live-evil, LLE. Tell us what you think in the forums.



This week:
Light faces his greatest threat yet: Ray Penbar’s fiancee has figured out the key to Kira’s identity and she’s just steps away from informing the police and L. Can Light stop her in time? Will he have to make the eye deal to survive? And don’t forget to check out Matsuda as “secret agent man.”

File info:
Filename: [Live-evil]_Death_Note_07_[2318801E].avi
MD5: 968469b6e992169d75132f28db270fdb
CRC: 2318801E
Size: 182984704

As usual, you can get it from the bots in our IRC channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.

Brought to you by the Ladies of Live-evil, LLE. Tell us what you think in the forums.



Live-evil is proud to announce that crypticgimp will now act as Senior Moderator of the L-E forums. bobby6 will act as Junior Moderator. We believe that crypticgimp and bobby6 will act as neutral level-headed parties, and are capable of moderating the forums so that we can all enjoy the threads and not other nonsense and hurtful speech.

ALL moderators will now be enforcing the following rule:

No post will be tolerated that is hurtful to another person in any way, whatsoever. Judgment is at the moderators discretion. If such posts are made, they will be removed.

-Yaoiboy, tlynnec, crypticgimp