Archive for October 21st, 2005

Please catch Captain Harlock ep.12 off of the L-E tracker, as its former crew and I now have the pleasure of working under L-E. We hope to get previous installments up and running just as soon as we can, as well as bring you the rest of this exciting, classic anime from our new home here at Live-eviL. Just to stem any rumors before they get nasty: Harlock was not “stolen,” “lifted,” or “jumped on,” by Live-eviL; It was a community decision between all of the people working on it that we needed a different group to work with. If you have any questions I’ll be happy to answer them in the forums.



Ok due to sleep deprivation on my part making me using the wrong script when encoding and QC passing it despite some obvious errors so we pulled version 1 last night. Here’s Yawara 44 version 2. We apologise for the inconvenience caused to those who’ve already downloaded the first version but I’m sure you can appreciate that we preferred for things to be absolutely correct.

As usual you can download this file from XDCC bot at #live-evil on or from bittorrent here.

File Info :
CRC : F8A697ED
Size : 184330240
MD5 hash : 23425109bae78a7b5cf1f131b8f4cf41
