Archive for November, 2005

And the Harlock release fest continues with Episode 6 of Captain Harlock. The Harlock crew would greatly love to know what you think of this release as they’ve put time and effort in to reworking the show now that they are in possession of Region 2 DVD source. Head over to the forums and tell em what you think.

As per usual this release is available on IRC and bittorrent here.

File Info :-
; MooSFV v1.84 – Sun Nov 27 17:30:34 2005
;66a9e4e55cd0bb89cd3791c5514d5a4b [Live-eviL]_Captain_Harlock_(TV-1978)_-_06_-_Special_Edition_[F45254B0].mkv
; 293539618 Nov 27 17:21:16 2005 [Live-eviL]_Captain_Harlock_(TV-1978)_-_06_-_Special_Edition_[F45254B0].mkv
[Live-eviL]_Captain_Harlock_(TV-1978)_-_06_-_Special_Edition_[F45254B0].mkv F45254B0


As i’m lazy today ( i’m just back from the forest for 5 days so i need to rest a little bit ) ,i’m going to use my famous skill : Copy & Past

ok peeps
release time
; Generated by WIN-SFV32 v1.1a (QuickSFV v2.22 Compatibility Mode) on 2005-11-22 at 21:50:48
; md5sum: bca42d7c88c259eb1504548d70a783b6
; 165812366 19:06.29 2005-11-22 [Live-eviL]_Blood+_Ep_05[DEA8455A].avi
[Live-eviL]_Blood+_Ep_05[DEA8455A].avi DEA8455A

‘later .

Yawara 46 is out for one and all to enjoy. Sorry don’t have chance to write a more detailed write up about it because I leave for work in 10 minutes.

Available from xdcc bot at #live-evil on or bittorrent here.

File Info –
MD5 hash – 1d8f114b3792c463a57dc0b12b1fdafe
CRC – C173F172
Size – 184416256
