Sun 9 Mar 2008
OUT: Captain Harlock (TV-1978) – Episode 27, Special Edition!
Posted by YaoiBoy under Releases
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The Will of the Arcadia
Harlock has proven to be more than a match for the Mazone Fleet. Queen Rafflesia is watching her strategy fall apart around her. Are the Mazone defeated? Find out in this exciting episode which start a new story arc in this classic Matsumoto tale.
File details:
Size: 262229396
MD5: 7a7c71b899aea45fbb9e462b99274132
Usual features apply:
* new Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround audio track and the original mono track
* Formatted and Unformatted soft-subtitles
* Region 2 DVD source
* Corn Pone Flicks translation
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.
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