Archive for November, 2007


Gerda’s journeys lead her to yet another town where she crosses paths with a boy by the name of Peter. Peter’s family it seems is blessed with an overabundance of siblings. And it seems to be growing. Is this an ill omen? Is it bad luck? Or good luck? Just what is luck anyway? Is it what only we make of it? Perhaps it’s just an umbrella term meaning for us to seek out the Ugly Duckling in all of us.

Gerda must find out in… The Lucky Pear Tree.




Meow Baby!

Size:186,114,048 bytes

HQ version

Size: 244,867,559 bytes
MD5: de4976737f46507b5e6cada23a73b01d199eb37f
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.

How do we do it? Two more episodes of Shion are here for your viewing pleasure. ^_^

First we have episode 4. Shion is determined to defeat Saito in their second match ever… but can she do it while barely out of the hospital? And what else might she have remembered? You could cut the tension with a knife in this exciting episode!

Release Info:
File name: [Live-evil]_Shion_no_Ou_-_04_[0CEA4D30].avi
Size: 181059584
MD5: 042e30e8bdebfd6ca88d8a49d30e83ff

Next up – Episode 3 in HD! Features include:

  • x264, mkv, 1280×720 resolution
  • Chapters
  • End notes with Shougi terms and explanations
  • Bonus subtitle track! That’s right, a Live-evil ONLY special bonus track!

Release Info:
File name: [Live-eviL]_Shion_no_Ou_-_03_[65903AA9]_(HD_1280x720_x264).mkv
Size: 264729726
CRC: 65903AA9
MD5: 9149e860ab6a807c1dd8a23fa31e8a84

Special thanks to the following for the additional translations and editing that made the bonus track possible: BurdenOfTruth, crypticgimp, Mamo-chan, Suzaku, sun_tze.

As usual, our releases are available from the bots in our IRC channel,, or grab it off BitTorrent.



20-1.JPG 20-2.JPG

Yes! Your eyes are not deceiving you, after a brief hiatus the Galaxy Express is back on track

In this episode Tetsuro once again finds himself on a strange and dangerous world facing the question, what exactly makes up a “professional”? Is a professional the sum of memories and experience or is there more? If said professional allows themselves to be consumed by their own passions in life, what is left at the end? These questions and perhaps more Tetsuro must work out in the Memory Planet!


Suzaku. =^-^=

Meow Baby!

Size:183,539,712 bytes
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.