Sun 18 Jun 2017
OUT: Bush Baby Ep 2
Posted by mamochan under Releases
[7] Comments
How is everyone enjoying Haikara san and Jungle Emperor Leo?
Anyways, time for Bush Baby!
I know it’s been a year and a half since we released episode 1.
Can’t be helped! Help us? Don’t make me come down there and hit you with a bush baby!
Jackie has named her new Bush Baby, Murphy.
Looks like Murphy isn’t doing so well.
He won’t drink or eat.
Will he die? Say it ain’t so!
Only one way to find out. Download and watch this episode now!
Filename: [Live-eviL]_Bush_Baby_02_[DVD][E9745D92].mkv
Size: 240,521,021 bytes
CRC: E9745D92
MD5: f4b079190c08aa80233e5a15a65f8370
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel,?#live-evil grab it off?BitTorrent.
Enjoy the episode!
First Comment!!!
Second Comment!!!
Wow, you’re on fire. Keep going ^^
This title is really weird…
Hey. In the first ep when i extra the sub file i fine just 5 line?
Forgot you were even doing this one. I have the first one already, so I guess that means I have to get this one too…
I hope you do not throw the translation project in 2 series. When will the sequel be?