Archive for January, 2010

Every show’s better with a little Initial D action ^_^

Initial D FTW!

Release information:
720p [Frostii_Live-eviL]_Winter_Sonata_-_08_[A5EFBF71].mkv
480p  – [Frostii_Live-eviL]_Winter_Sonata_-_08_[988FBB42].avi

As usual, these episodes are available on the bots in our IRC channel, and Frostii’s channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.



“Smoking is bad, m’kay?”

So bad, in fact, that Yongguk hires a sniper to take out Minhyung, much to Chelin’s annoyance, Yujin’s sorrow, and Sanghyuk’s delight.

No, smoking does not make you hot or sexy. it just gives you bad breath and bad teeth. :x

Release information:
720p [Frostii_Live-eviL]_Winter_Sonata_-_07_[FBC35292].mkv
480p  – [Frostii_Live-eviL]_Winter_Sonata_-_07_[5E34942E].avi

As usual, these episodes are available on the bots in our IRC channel, and Frostii’s channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.



This episode reminds me of a country song. I wish I could remember which one…

Winter  Sonata 06 Screenshot awwwwwwww

Release information:
720p [Frostii_Live-eviL]_Winter_Sonata_-_06_[F45782D0].mkv
480p  –[Frostii_Live-eviL]_Winter_Sonata_-_06_[2C935A3A].avi

As usual, these episodes are available on the bots in our IRC channel, and Frostii’s channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.

