Tue 14 Jan 2014
Out: Queen Millennia 14
Posted by YaoiBoy under Releases
[8] Comments
QUEEN MILLENNIA: Episode 14 (of 42) – The Queen of the Machine Palace
Hajime finally meets the mysterious Queen Millennia and her plan is revealed. But… Can she be trusted?
Filename: [Live-eviL]_Queen_Millennia_(TV)_-_14_[F02C072E].mkv
Size: 215148856 (205 MiB)
CRC: F02C072E
MD5: 80e59a465e912320dab6a16e868bd108
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, #live-evil @irc.rizon.net or grab it off BitTorrent.
Oh how I was waiting for it! Big thanks!
Finally some Matsumoto greatness!
Thanks alot Live-eviL! 🙂
You forgot to mention konnakude joining to help ya out 🙁
thanks great work
My dose of Matsumoto has finally come early 2014 ! THANK YOU LIVE-EVIL !
thanks you!!! I love you guys, great job!!!
Oh, Thank you, thank you, thank you! 🙂
A very key episode in the series (I won’t spoil it for those who haven’t seen it yet)!
Thank you very much for doing such a great job of subtitling this classic show.