Sat 11 May 2013
Miyuki Update
Posted by tlynnec under Releases
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Live-eviL is sad to report that we have parted ways with FroZen on the Miyuki project. However, we are very happy to report that FroZen will continue Miyuki. We sincerely apologize to all the Miyuki fans out there, but we strongly encourage you to continue following the show as our good friends at FroZen continue the work we started together.
FroZen is a combination Frostii and Saizen and can be found at: #frostii and #saizen Miyuki forever! <3
That’s so sad Live-Evil, your participation was awesome there, I hope to see Miyuki as good as before and thanks for your work on previous eps ^__^.
Yeah, thanks for all the work you did on Miyuki. I hope Frostii and Saizen will post new episodes on Nyaa as I have never used irc and don’t know how anyway.
Ehat will Live=EviL be working on now? More Captain Harlock SSX and Queen Millennia?
Yep, some Matsumoto is coming, however, staff overlap is small so not really liberating any resources.
And don’t worry about the torrents, Saizen always posts on Nyaa.
Thanks for that update! You guys (and gals?) rock!!!
It seems I have missed out on something while I was gone. O.O;
Count me in. :/