Sat 11 May 2013
We like what you like! (So translate your favorite shows for us!)
Posted by tlynnec under Recruitement
[4] Comments
Are you a translator who wants to do an older show?
Do you want to bring your childhood love to a new generation?
Come talk to us! If you’re willing to translate, we are willing to do the rest!
(99% guarantee. Sorry no porn. Show must currently be unlicensed in North America/R1. Subject to availability of raw video sources. You have just read the fine print).
In all seriousness, Live-eviL is devoted to bring the oft-forgotten masterpieces of years-gone-by to a new generation of viewers. Shows such as Yawara, Trapp Family Story, Rose of Versailles (now finally licensed nearly 40 years later!), Snow Queen, Detective Academy Q, and the entire Matsumoto line-up have been given the L-E Gold Standard treatment thanks to a devoted staff who loves what we do. However, after more than a dozen years of dedication (seriously, we’ve been here since 2001), we are running out of ideas!
That’s where you come in. If you know of an old anime that that deserves a new life, and you or someone you know is willing to translate it (without excessive need for translation-checking by a better translator), come talk to us! We will consider any project, provided it is not porn or currently R1 licensed, and assuming we can get or you can provide raws. Our staff want to work with you!
And to answer the inevitable question: yes, we will consider live-action, though whether we take it on or not will depend entirely on the interest of the staff. If you’re into live-action, your odds are best if its an adaptation of an anime (such as the live-action Detective Academy Q, of which we did the complete anime).
So, if you’re interested, I can be reached by email at tlynnec [at], or you can chat up myself, yaoiboy, suzaku|rcGoLE, or mamo-chan in our irc channel at #live-evil If you send a private message, please state why you’re messaging as we don’t always respond to random “hi” messages. 🙂 Don’t worry if you don’t get an instant response: we’re not available 24/7, but we will respond in no more than 3 days and usually much faster!
Hoping to hear from you soon,
Maybe we should post this recruitment message in the forums, too. Just a thought…
It could also help to post it on the /m/ imageboard. It might attract attention there.
I don’t know if you frequent MAL, but it certainly couldn’t hurt putting it up there. Also, a fun sub project might be Emergency Departure Rescue Kids, but I haven’t been able to find raws for the life of me.
Any chance you could do the Kakegurui live-action drama? I’ve already translated the first episode.
I’m also working on some other shows, but I need the rest of the staff to help me (I don’t manage any fansub groups).
– Katrielle Layton’s Detective Mysteries