Thu 23 Dec 2010
OUT: Kimagure Orange Road Ep 14
Posted by mamochan under Releases
[19] Comments
Hello everyone! Here’s en early Christmas gift for you KOR fans.
Kyosuke has a premonition dream of him and Madoka breaking up.
While out jogging, he meets Madoka in a wrestling gym. After displaying his physical weakness in front of Madoka, he fears his dream is coming true. He decides to shape up, by learning karate from Yusaku.
Find out more by downloading this episode now!
— Mamo-chan
Size: 186,092,997 bytes
MD5: B07C30384D128571128D5E49F18ABDAB
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, #live-evil or grab it off BitTorrent.
What about “Trapp Ikka Monogatari” Ep25+…
Ep23&24 was released on Christmas of last year…
Trapp has not been forgotten
Thanks for the Christmas gift.
I almost forgot that the guy in KOR is also Kyosuke. I have seen too many Kyosuke to decipher between them.
The problem is i already got episode 14 released by your guys on 1 april 2009 i wonder…..
April 1st, think about that 🙂
Nice. Maybe we will see ep15 before fall 2011 as well and the series will be hopefully finally finished before next milenium or a new license. 😉
HUGE thanks for releasing another episode. VERY eagerly awaiting the rest of the series.
And, you might want to know that your 2009 April Fools joke had another victim just a month or so ago. I have a habit of downloading anime faster than I can watch it, which creates a backlog of some series that “I’ll get to one of these days.” Since KOR wasn’t finished, I left it alone in my backlog for a long time. I got eps 1-12 in May 2008 and later ep 13 in March 2010. So then I really didn’t think twice about downloading “Ep 14” on April 1, 2009 (although I did wonder why you’d apparently skipped #13 at that time).
Then came last month when I started watching the episodes, and found your little prank, although it took me a minute or two to figure out what was going on. KUDOS on a perfectly executed joke, L-E.
Speaking of Abcb00014, of which zhuzhu referrs above, that one plays just fine in every movie player I have, just as the prior 13 have.
The latest, Abcb0014 (note the change), does not play in XINE or VLC, but only in Mplayer.
I hope this is not a portent of a new video codec incompatibility.
So I’m not the only one who’s been having that problem. All the other KOR episodes play fine for me in everything. But in my case, Abcb0014 plays fine in Dragon Player, but it won’t play at all in MPlayer or Xine. Using Mandriva Linux 2010.0.
You should use mplayer (1 rc4) from plf /backports.
It’s working fine here with these version while it’s not working from the « 1rc3 version »
Yep, that fixed the problem. Thanks!
I’m using Mandriva 2010.1 with plf repository enabled and it plays in every video player I’ve thrown it at except xine/gxine. Works in bangarang, BMPx, dragonplayer, mplayer and it’s several GUIs, gstreamer based players(banshee, totem, moovida) vlc and xbmc.
I would have thought Debian Sid would have recent enough codecs.
Well, at least it can be viewed, which is the important thing.
I love this series.
woah you released another episode!!! yay thanks
tx! orange road for the win!
Thanks for doing another episode of the 2nd best anime series of all times.
lol, i guess i am just too slow in clearing my backlog of animes.
Thanks for the release.
Please don’t tell me I’ll be waiting for the next 34 years for you to finish this series <.<