Archive for September, 2008

Today, it is a double header with Galaxy Express 999 #31 and Snow Queen #16!

First up to bat is Galaxy Express 999 #31, The Planet of Fury.

Tetsuro gets a lesson in anger management amidst a planet of hotheads, or so it seems as he finds out what lies under the crass and harsh surface may hide a good heart as his dark past catches up to him.

Next up to the plate is Snow Queen #16, Ragi the Minstrel.

As Gerda and Ragi enter a dark and filthy coal mining town, Ragi crosses paths with his long buried past. But what is buried seldom stays so and past errors must often be faced and done so with honor.


Suzaku  =^-^=

Meow Baby!

Size: 185,749,504 bytes
CRC: B37A4F91
MD5: 837ee8cf5b821bc87000b58d6212be63b2bf3c09
Snow Queen #16

Size: 187,303,936 bytes
CRC: 4202D2F9
MD5: fd60fbad093984dfe85448165e2bec76f358a43c

h264 version

Size: 244,889,439 bytes
CRC: A0B6D925
MD5: 2ffeb678c1b2673b42bbf96bba459eb84286b499As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.

Hi everyone!

Thanks for your patience, lots more to follow.

Today we proudly release to you the 15th installment of The Daughter of Twenty Faces. In this episode, we are introduced to the Detective Girls in a big way. Check it out! Tome’s breasts are to die for 😀

As usual, get them from the fast bots in #live-evil on or off of bit torrent at


SD- Filesize is 187,252,736 bytes, CRC is 9EDFFE6D.
HD- Filesize is 244,353,319 bytes, CRC is 938586FE.



Happy Labor Day, all! Hope you’re doing well. A special treat to our old-time fans. We release to you the 35th episode of Detective Academy Q (at long last).

IN THIS EPISODE: When the police call on Dan Detective Academy to solve a series of bombings throughout the city, class Q find themselves on the front lines.  A jewel-worshipping madman has already planted the next bomb… can class Q find the jewel bomber, target, and bomb in time to prevent disaster?

FILE INFO: 185104384 bytes, CRC is F572FDC2.

This is widescreen, encoded off the DVD, and very well done. Kudos to everyone who worked on the project.

Just a bit of trivia for you… We started this project with episode 1 on July 23rd, 2003, a tad over five years ago. When we manage to complete this show, it will be the longest project for us yet, even topping the 5 years it took us to finish Creamy Mami. As we always say at Live-eviL… If you want to follow one of our projects, prepare to be in it for the long haul! ^^;


-Tofu& tlynnec