As you can see, we have finally released the long awaited eighth episode of Snow Queen in high quality x264 again! I guess the banner contest reminded us we needed to give you a present. 😉

Episode summary:
Any attempt to summarize would spoil it…

File Info (xvid):
file name: [Live-eviL]_The_Snow_Queen_-_Ep_08
file size: 179360 KB
CRC & md5: beats me…

File Info (x264/h264):
file name: [Live-eviL]_The_Snow_Queen_-_Ep_08_[h264&MP3]_.mp4
file size: 232797 KB
CRC & md5: beats me again -_-

As usual, grab it from the bots in our IRC channel, or off BitTorrent.

A lesson to be learned: Do not give your shoes to strangers. They can be more valuable than you thought…

