Tue 26 Sep 2006
Gakuen Heaven Licensed!!!
Posted by Tsubasa under General
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It has been confirmed that Gakuen Heaven has been licensed by Media Blasters. Complying to our rules and regulations, we’re discontinuing the distribution of the Gakuen Heaven Episode 1 Parody sub, which we released on 1st April.
Live-eviL does not undertake the subtitling of any licensed anime and we discontinue the subtitling and distribution of any series which are announced as being licensed in the Western Hemisphere. This being mainly due to ethical reasons and because the IRC network which we are hosted on, Enterthegame, has strict rules about licensed anime and we respect those rules. Please check out our forums for further details.
The torrent has been removed from our BitTorrent page and we strongly suggest buying Media Blaster’s R1 DVD’s when they come out in January.
That being said, we request you to refrain from asking how to obtain raws or subtitled versions of Gakuen Heaven from now on in our forums or in the IRC channel. If you are running an fserve in #live-evil please do not serve any more episodes from this series on your server under our control.
We firmly believe you have understood the circumstances and would continue to support us in our decision.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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