Kei – The Farewell Song

This next episode explores the past of our beautiful Bridge Officer, Yuki Kei. It is a powerful story indeed and has a dramatic ending.

Usual features apply:

* Brand new 5.1 AC3 surround sound, 2.0 stereo sound and the original mono audio track
* Formatted and Unformatted soft-subbed English subtitle tracks
* Chapter Stops
* Optional clean opening and closing animation
* Region 2 DVD video source
* Corn Pone Flicks Translation

File Size: 285983274
CRC: A6247B97
MD5: 386188a142f4a4a6d5d030f3206ac7f9

Get it from BitTorrent or the new XDCC Bot, L-E|Matsumoto

Thanks and enjoy,