Thu 11 Jan 2018
OUT: Kimagure Orange Road Ep 01 (HD)
Posted by mamochan under Releases
[11] Comments
I dedicate this release to Hiromi Tsuru. She passed away in November.
Rest in peace Hiromi-san 🙁
Without further ado, we present to you:
Kimagure Orange Road Episode 1 in HD!
The HD image in KOR is amazing! Just stunning!
For you 10bit/8bit fans: The 1080p version is 8bit and the 720p is 10bit.
We will be continuing the HD release ep 18 onward.
Why you ask? Episode 1 is just a teaser and a dedication to Hiromi Tsuru.
We would love to go faster but we are severely understaffed.
Live-eviL is still looking for Editors and QC’ers.
And what we really don’t need is “fly-by-nighters “ and those wishing just to dip a toe in for a week or two and then vanish like the fog in the midday sun, we need those willing to stick and enjoy the fun for a while, so if you are interested, please contact me, Mamo-chan or Suzaku|rCGoLE| at #live-evil on
If we aren’t available, email us here:
Filename: [Live-eviL]_Kimagure_Orange_Road_TV_01_[1080p][3B54527E].mkv
Size: 1,467,341,723 bytes
CRC: 3B54527E
MD5: f9ceadcedaf3572fc34994787a436d30
Filename: [Live-eviL]_Kimagure_Orange_Road_TV_01_[720p][2F4B6DFD].mkv
Size: 489,760,592 bytes
MD5: 70bf412b1678ca99d042c84f12121706
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel,#live-evil or grab it off BitTorrent.
Enjoy the episode!
— Mamo