Wed 18 Feb 2015
Matsumoto Double Feature: Queen Millennia 20 and 21!
Posted by YaoiBoy under Releases
[9] Comments
QUEEN MILLENNIA: Episodes 20-21 (of 42):
Earth’s Impending Crisis! and A Suspicion by Geran, the Grim Reaper
Episode 20 is for those of you out there that may have missed the story, so far. It wraps up the first 19 episodes quite nicely. You will be all caught up in just a half-hour. Okay, okay… we’ll confess… it’s really a recap episode. Don’t shoot us. 🙂
In Episode 21, we get back to the story. La-metal is sending someone to Earth to investigate the Queen’s progress. Heads may roll if the truth comes out. Enjoy this latest adventure from the legendary creator, Leiji Matsumoto!
Episode 20:
Filename: [Live-eviL]_Queen_Millennia_(TV)_-_20_[189B6B0F].mkv
Size: 194,518,767 bytes (185 MiB)
CRC: 189B6B0F
MD5: ae75cafd7f2abe4f04bf4e5a95e22124
Episode 21 (v2):
Filename: [Live-eviL]_Queen_Millennia_(TV)_-_21_[8F4282E9].mkv
Size: 200,778,172 bytes (191 MiB)
CRC: 8F4282E9
MD5: 64b58a8b8e08b0e49acf5981a472ac64
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, #live-evil or grab it off BitTorrent.
hontoni aregato 50%
Thanks Live-Evil for your efforts, like always, please accept our appreciation and thankfulness ^__^
Don’t fret too much about v2s. *bleep* happens.
Double strike!
Thank you very much.
Double yay!
Thank you & thank you 🙂
This is very nice, thanks a lot!
Are you guys gonna sub The Rose of Versailles BD’s? BD’s are now available on ADC.
Huge Leijiverse fan and you are doing God’s work by subtitling this series. Thanks for making it to 50%! Huge Milestone 😀