Thu 2 Feb 2012
Yawara R1 DVD going out-of-print this summer
Posted by mamochan under Releases
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Attention all Yawara fans!??AnimEigo has reported that the Yawara Boxset is going out of print this August.? Buy it now!? Before it’s too late. If another company decides to rescue Yawara, (I can hear the screaming now) we will drop it.
i don’t know what’s your real point, but isn’t it bad that you will drop yawara ?
ninjacloud, I think you misunderstood the post. They’re not dropping Yawara unless another distributer license rescues it from AnimEigo.
yeah i know, but isn’t it bad when new company get the rest of yawara eps ??
see the bots on the channel, they don’t have eps 1-40 because of animeigo’s license, so for me .. i prefer & wish that no company pick it so the rest of eps get subbed, as i guess.. eps won’t be published if new company license it right ?
Although it is unlikely that it will happen at all, and even more so in the time span needed to complete our subbing, we consider licensing of anime a good thing, as it spreads anime.
L-E never competes with commercial releases.
I totally support L-E’s stand on licensed anime.
Even though I had the old fansubs for the early Yawara! episodes released by AnimEigo, I immediately preordered and bought their box set as soon as it was released. While I look forward to L-E subbing the rest of the Yawara! series, in the very unlikely event that someone else licensed and released it, I would buy the licensed series and would urge anyone else to do so, too.