Sat 16 Dec 2006
NEWS: New bot and e-mail support
Posted by Tsubasa under General
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You may contact us through e-mail support now. To know all the methods by which we could be contacted, see ‘Contact Us’ in the right-hand corner of this page. If you have any query for which registering in the forums is not necessary, or you are unlikely to visit the forums after your question has been answered, please use our e-mail support or come visit us on IRC. You should allow at least 24 hours for e-mail response. Anything of the playback issue nature, query regarding a series weβre not subbing or a very common question should be taken up on the forums. Do remember however that you can only ask something that has not already be answered in our FAQ section. So keep that in mind and act accordingly. π
Send all e-mail queries to
Also, we have a new bot by the nick L-E|Dogmatix, hosted by my script instructor, [KvW]blipzor (Yes the new triggers). It is currently capped at 30 kb/s individually and 100 kb/s globally but after some tests, the max speed will be increased. This bot will be our first Death Note only bot so make good use of it. π All past episodes of Death Note are archived on Osiris and Dogmatix. Osiris is the new Parmenion.
Enjoy leeching!
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