Archive for June 6th, 2005

You all will no doubt remember Live-eviL’s flagship series Condor Hero. It was licensed by Taiseng entertainment and there are now legitimate Region 1 DVD’s available to purchase from and other good retailers.

However if you are still fond of the Japanese audio, the makers of Condor Hero will be releasing a DVD boxset on the 29th June. All 26 episodes will be available for 19,000 yen with dolby digital stereo or on 5 separate DVD’s at 3,800 yen apiece(but no English subs I’m afraid :sad:). They’re up for preorder on CD Japan and the link to the DVD boxset is here. Please show your support if you can to the Japanese publishers for making available DVD’s with the Japanese audio of this superb animation series.


Another week and…what do you know another Yawara ep for you all !!. This episode follows Kuni-kuns welcome party and its….”aftermath”. In the 2nd half of the episode Yawara enters a Judo tournment which Grandfather says she has to win for him to allow her to take the Mitsuba Womens College Entrance Exam. What will happen !?!?. Watch and see ! 😀

As ever you can download from our bots at #live-evil on or via bittorrent.

Post in the forums too!. Things are really gonna heat up in the next few eps. Much Judo action coming your way soon 😛

File Information

Size : 147343360 bytes
CRC : 684AF00F
MD5 Hash : 6277c99da1533c85bdc89e44c4e4ab40

For those people burning CD’s, this release also marks the end of our next 700mb batch comprising of episodes 26 – 30 😉

Also a request to any Yawara fans who are Japanese translators. We have scripts up to Episode 41. However after this we will need to translate episodes from scratch. If you are a translator and would like to help us to continue our efforts in subtitling this superb classic anime series please come and introduce yourself to us on IRC or send an email to
