NANA (Live-action Movie)
(113 mins, TBS 2005)

Two young women, both 20 and both named Nana meet on a train on their way to Tokyo to start new lives and fulfill their dreams in the big city. One is a punk and the other is a sweetie of the upper middleclass. Intertwined by fate, they end up sharing an apartment together and soon develop a fast and deep friendship as they try to make it alone in the big city and deal with their own careers, relationships & struggles. Nana works toward her goal of becoming a top rocker while Hachi strives to get over heartbreak and find herself a new life.

This is a wonderful and drama about dreams, love and reality with a backdrop of a rock & roll band has a good plot development with lots of pain, romantic attributes and success and failure. The music is great too! The movie stars the extremely talented Mika Nakashima as the rocker Nana, and some other great artists as well.

This one is definitely recommended for you Nana fans out there. And it’s a must watch for anyone who loves entertaining stories about rockstars.

A second movie is in making and we’ve of-course got the NANA anime series for you. So go check that out too ^_^, if you already haven’t.

Some of the stuff like images on this page has been stolen from the following sites:

ANN’s NANA (Live-action) Movie Page

TBS Movie’s NANA Page (English)

*Synopsis and page design by Tsubasa.


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