Fri 24 Jul 2020
OUT: Laughing Salesman Eps 1-8 (HD) (With Saizen)
Posted by mamochan under Releases
[2] Comments
Who is that creepy looking character lurking in a dark alley?
Don’t panic. It’s just a laughing salesman who wants your human soul.
We are re-doing the first 25 episodes of Laughing Salesman in HD.
Now you can enjoy episodes 1 to 8 in HD.
Enjoy 🙂
— Mamo
Filename: [Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_01_[720p][C4B5E222].mkv
Size: 169,846,254 bytes
CRC: C4B5E222
MD5: c3b919528b3a3a42d921aa9b96f94969
Filename: [Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_02_[720p][FE57D544].mkv
Size: 154,733,510 bytes
CRC: FE57D544
MD5: e9033f60a7d305d765831fc8238c3fbe
Filename: [Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_03_[720p][5A190B88].mkv
Size: 139,419,540 bytes
CRC: 5A190B88
MD5: a8f13087f6c13f5168c06d104d3f176e
Filename: [Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_04_[720p][F700DCA3].mkv
Size: 134,543,108 bytes
MD5: 363557c741aa538a5aedee774f80b4da
Filename: [Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_05_[720p][BCFB818E].mkv
Size: 152,152,830 bytes
MD5: 4b7683049b13401a6cbb3c3730aa0482
Filename: [Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_06_[720p][009848AE].mkv
Size: 173,411,184 bytes
CRC: 009848AE
MD5: 1a004f6255a6cf46ef04935a96a0c1f6
Filename: [Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_07_[720p][BB672D62].mkv
Size: 164,466,285 bytes
CRC: BB672D62
MD5: 5e6521a8d2daf2f16d86a1c7b36f220a
Filename: [Evil-Saizen]_Laughing_Salesman_08_[720p][E12B506C].mkv
Size: 190,304,542 bytes
CRC: E12B506C
MD5: 0cb30c88cddbfee2b16939b3467b79fe
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, #live-evil You can also grab the episodes from or grab it off BitTorrent.
Sweet. Didn’t even realize the first 25 eps were smaller than the rest. Thanks.
Hey, if it’s not a bother to you. Would you mind subbing Legend of Marine Snow at some point? It’s an old obscure Leiji movie that doesn’t have many raws online and is poorly documented.