Tue 19 Jul 2016
OUT: Windaria Movie (1986)
Posted by mamochan under Releases
[6] Comments
Tofusensei originally released this classic anime movie on April 1, 2005.
It was a great release for its time. I still enjoy that old xvid release.
That all changes today.
Here’s Windaria in 5.1 sound and encoded in 10bit for your viewing pleasure! And to answer your question: No, not a BD release. Just a DVD. I hope we’ll get Windaria on blu-ray someday.
It has recently come to our attention that a majority of our subs are being uploaded to the vampiric site known as “KissAnime”? (a rogue streaming site ) While we are tickled putrid that you think our subs a high quality enough that you want to share them with everyone, we are most certainly NOT happy that you are adding watermarks to our fansubs and making money off of them through your ads..
We are closely watching you.
This is only the beginning.
Your friendly staff of Live-eviL
Filename: [Live-eviL]_Windaria_Movie_[DVD][F6733D85].mkv
Size: 1.16 GB (1,247,169,773 bytes)
CRC: F6733D85
MD5: dd1d67ce2f252b58a395796a9bf9aa30
Why are you still here? Go dim the lights, grab some popcorn and enjoy the movie. – Mamo
P.S. We had no idea that July 19, 1986 was the day Windaria aired in theaters all over Japan. Coincidence? What do you think? ๐
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, #live-evil@irc.rizon.netย or grab it off BitTorrent