Fri 29 Nov 2013
Posted by suzaku under Releases
[3] Comments
Have any of you ever wanted to get their paws dirty in the fansub field?
Well, we are in need of QC staff ( IE script checkers and the like. )
Arr ewe gut at speeling and gramer? Harr ewe shure that a Preperation is the wrong thing to end a santance with?
Har ewe gut at Spoting eronious punkuation , ans horridspeelings and santance structure?!?!
Then we are looking Fur ewe to be on our QC staph!.
( Hey! It is NOT easy typing this in… :/ trust me! )
As I heard someone say in HS once.
“You ain’t getting nowhere in life using no double negatives! “
( %50 don’t get that.)
But, if you feel you are up the task of Qcer ( and have the free time. )
the how to is easy…
If this has not scared you away, please read,
and you are STILL not recoiling in terror, please feel free to e-mail me at Or TLY at
QC has always been a log-jam for us, Now that we have TLs flowing at a more healthy pace, we really wish to get on top of this once and for all!
Thank you.
Suzaku and the staff of L-E
Meow baby! =^-^=
I am good at proof-reading of English,
I am somewhat familiar with honorifics as used in Japanese
Unfortunately I am also 76 years old, ill and so a bit slower than I used to be and unlikely to be able to continue for an extended period.
Be happy to help for as long as can.
Plz drop me an e-mail then with contact info.
this is norm done via IRC chat
Good luck with the recruitement drive. Wow… Bobbie, are you 76 years old?!