Wed 10 Apr 2013
OUT: Miyuki Ep 3
Posted by mamochan under Releases
[3] Comments
Here’s another Miyuki ep for the masses!
Filename: [FroZen-EviL]_Miyuki_-_03_[DVD][C90729BC].mkv
Size: 226,515,291
CRC: C90729BC
MD5: d733ead2d904df3c94ec3db6d232e3b8
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel,?#live-evil grab it off?BitTorrent. You can also grab the episodes from?#frostii
Thank you for this even though this time I am getting it at Nyaa.
Same torrent, multi-tracker 😉
Guraitou!!, thanks Live-Evil for your work besides Frostii and Saizen to release Miyuki as it is now, I noticed most staff from L-E so please accept my thanks and appreciation ^^