Over the years, fansub groups have taken on Miyuki, the popular 80’s romantic comedy that gave renowned mangaka Adachi Mitsuru his first break. However, none had been successful. ?

Today, we, Frozen-EviL, are proud to say that we have taken up the task of completing Miyuki! (And you know you can count on us, we finished Yawara!) Consider this the 30th anniversary of Miyuki, as the series aired in Japan on March 31st, 1983. ?

Enjoy the first 2 eps! 🙂

Want? to thank us? Come find us in #Live-eviL@irc.rizon.net

– FroZen-EviL

Filename: [FroZen-EviL]_Miyuki_-_01_[DVD][ADCB65B5].mkv
Size: 221,505,003
MD5: 7886560993925b6f5bd0e6f435f1f06f

Filename: [FroZen-EviL]_Miyuki_-_02_[DVD][3DAAFF6B].mkv
Size: 203,243,221
MD5: 08f65efa227a4bfb75b2bbce91f04feb

As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel,?#live-evil @irc.rizon.net?or grab it off?BitTorrent. You can also grab the episodes from?#frostii @irc.rizon.net?and?#saizen @irc.rizon.net