Very quickly before I go to work. Part 2 of Shin Kaguya Shima Densetsu is out and ready for you to download. We left the Senshi in Part 1 in a cave facing off against Dark Plasman and his cronies who have come to attack them. Whats going to happen to them???. Will they escape??. Whats going on and what is the true intention of the Islanders??. Will the senshi win the day??. Download and see ! 😀

As per usual you can download this file from XDCC bot at #live-evil on or via bittorrent here.

File Information :-
File Size is 731197440 bytes
CRC is 5A5A91D2
MD5 hash is 8a7d11b44c4e8c0db01fece5a18d6f4b
