The Sub Crew |
Staff Active on Current Projects |
bastard-sama The most awesome op ever |
ConsiderPhlebas Editor, QC extraordinaire (I don’t have the heart to put CP in the “Out to Pasture” section. You will be missed CP) |
EmptySoul Translator, Timer, Typesetter |
Eternal_Blizzard Timer, Encoder, Fail Editor and Marco Revivalist |
gumbaloom Typesetter, Encoder, Translator |
Kaereste Editor |
Mamo-chan Editor, Raw provider, Timer & Yawara fan! |
mikala Usenet poster, Website & Ftp Dump Adminstrator, Super-distro |
retrograde-inversion Editor, Master QC’er – all hail! |
SOSAnimeBoy Editor, Distro |
Suzaku Timer, Typesetter,Encoder, Resident catgirl =^-^= |
tenkenX6 Translator, TL-checker – Sometimes slow but gets the job done |
Yoshu-sama typesetter |
Matsumoto’s Minions |
emsko Translater, typesetter, research |
konnakude Editor, Resident Tadpole |
YaoiBoy encoder, audio specialist, distro, local pervert |
Staff who are not currently working on any project but have contributed greatly to Live-eviL in the past and are still with us. |
Akirasuto encoding sensei |
BlackChair Translator, TL-checker |
bmfrosty timer |
Demn editor, timer, typesetter, encoder |
Spymon editor, timer , QC’er |
Vash editor, distro – Rare sightings from time to time. |
Quality is under their control |
BeeBee QC’er |
Luurah QC’er |
MasterO QC’er |
MizunoKamo QC’er |
Rika-chama QC’er |
Vigorousjammer QC’er |
Whitecat (We needed more cats in here!! ) QC’er |
pushmipullu (She talks to the animals!) QC’er & keeper of the great white Lion! |
Distro |
L-E|facepalm Retro’s bot |
L-E|Sopdou (Offline) Main bot for Live-eviL |
L-E|Ayukawa Another fast bot |
L-E|Chiko Another fast bot |
L-E|Yawara Another fast bot |
Out To Pasture
Channel Service Bots |
banania, retired. But the spirit of “the great and powerful lord” lives on in a bot in mikala |
Semi-Retired, (Mostly, but not quite off staff.) |
Falsedawn Editor |
Greenkabbage Translator |
tlynnec QC’er, editor, typesetter, encoder, karaoke, webpage admin, LLE — almost anything ;p |
WillowD QC’er, timer, editor, most charming man in L-E |
Akahige Distro |
Aniko translator (Sailor Moon) |
Anrp Distro |
Ash2Dust Encoder |
Athanor Provider of Elilin, raw provider |
Behemoth QC’er |
Beloculus translator, LLE |
Blue_Mage Sorry, Gimp T_T |
bobby6 QC’er, editor, timer, forum moderator, LLE |
crypticgimp QC’er, editor, typesetter, karaoke timer, forum moderator, LLE |
DarkSailorMercury editor (Sailor Moon) |
DeadAlready911 timer |
Deus_eX timer |
Dragosmore QC’er, watches more new season shows than anyone here |
Entitled QC’er |
iDuckie She’s quakers! |
Inexxess Editor |
homulily QC’er |
Isurs Editor |
Jko Translator |
kanavazk NO IDEA how to pronounce that, so dont even ask! 😡 |
Kuren Karaoke timer & stylist, LLE – Congrats on the baby! |
KyleD QC’er |
liquid_skies Timer |
Masakari Editor, Translator |
MazoneMayu Timer |
Mechy Translator – Creamy Mami / YUA 2 |
Methos Raw Provider |
mints Nepeta cataria, Nomm nomm! =^-^= |
mnfyui QC’er |
muskrat it’s muskrat love! |
PharaohAnubis QC’er |
Prem-aka-Prince Someday my prince will come! |
Mitomi Karaoke stylist, Typesetter |
Noro Translator (QM) |
path[w] Editor |
PlasticYakuza timer |
Rixot Raw provider, Webmaster |
Seta-sans_Driving_Instructor Founding Member, Editor |
Sh|nji Timer |
Sol Founder and … CS addict (nobody can be perfect ![]() |
Somnabule Editor |
Skywallker Timer, raw hunter |
Sun_Tze Editor, script supervisor |
Sindobook Encoder, Typesetter, Old School Fansubber, Caretaker of the almighty piggy |
Tanman508 Crazy Indian, Encoder, Karaoker, Super Recruiter |
Teppei Editor, Translation checker, Timer, Typesetter, Old School Subber |
Tofusensei Not doing alot lately,but will be fondly remembered, original staff – 幽邃. |
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