Fri 13 Jun 2014
OUT: 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother Eps 16 & 17
Posted by mamochan under Releases
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Told ya we were gonna get some more releases out in this 13th anniversary here in Live-eviL. Here’s Marco 16-17 to keep on bucking the WMT trend.
Episode 16 – “Little Head Chef” – As the Folgore makes its way to Marseilles, Marco is eager to work, but Head Chef Leonardo just wants him to relax and enjoy the ride. Unsatisfied with that, Marco decides to do odd jobs around the ship to adjust to his new lifestyle, and to bond with the other crewmates aboard the ship in the process.
Episode 17 – Equator Festival – Continuing on their journey to Rio de Janeiro, the crew arrive at the Equator to make preparations for the festivities. But what is this? Rumors of a sea monster are floating around. Will Marco be scared, or will the actual “monsters” not live to the hype.
Filename: [L-E & C1]3000 Leagues in Search of Mother – 16 [60042407].mkv
Size: 256,378,582 bytes
CRC: 60042407
MD5: e993faacbf4ba2ae38e054d6bb1a50e1
Filename: [L-E & C1]3000 Leagues in Search of Mother – 17 [3E283745].mkv
Size: 260,484,033 bytes
CRC: 3E283745
MD5: a219189ddeaf16233652a8865c48c372
We are currently looking for Translators, Editors and QC’ers for the following projects: Attack No. 1 and Wizard of Oz. Please drop an email to if you are interested.
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel,?#live-evil grab it off?BitTorrent.
Twas a long journey to get these ready, but glad they are finally out. Hopefully we can get Marco continuing on his journey at a more steady pace 🙂
Thanks for the continued hard work in the scene, guys! I really appreciate it. Works like Yawara and Future Boy Conan have found entire new audiences thanks to your efforts. You’re true cultural guardians of the highest order. Well done!
Thanks for subbing Laughing Salesman.
This show is black comedy at its finest.