Archive for September 8th, 2008

The Arcadia’s Secret Origins

The Arcadia is docked for repairs and the Captain tells us the tale of how the mighty ship was born.

File info:
Size: 203563359
CRC: 23111641
MD5: 01d8d0fe52d1b5f8975f8dc6c4bf28dd

* Corn Pone Flicks Translation
* Region 2 DVD source
* Formatted and unformatted soft-subtitle tracks

(sorry, no 5.1 audio track this time. This may be released later)

You can download the episode from our fast bots in our IRC channel or get it through BitTorrent.

Thanks for watching,

The Vast Underground Housing Complex

Hajime has really done it this time! He has fallen into a void with many mysteries to discover. You will have more questions than answers!

File info:
Size: 184270114
MD5: eb8c858d08cfae67003e0ed05cf1fb9e

Get it from BitTorrent or the Bots in our IRC channel
