Wed 6 Dec 2006
OUT: Magical Angel Creamy Mami 50!
Posted by tlynnec under Releases
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It’s here at last! The highly anticipated release of Magical Angel Creamy Mami Episode 50.
Sorry for the stall. Something unexpected stirred up.

Tachibana wants to do a ‘Creamy Mami 1st Anniversary Concert’ in Hong Kong. However, the last day of Creamy Mami’s existence is to be before the concert date. Yuu wants to have the concert earlier but that would be only possible if they were to have the concert in Japan. Mami requests for cancellation of plans but just this time, Tachbana wouldn’t listen to her. And a chain of unbelievable incidents follow…
File info:
Filesize: 260429068
CRC: 220F270B
MD5: 9dfd73560fc7fb6e602d8521711a9ce0
Get it from the bots in our IRC channel or grab it off BitTorrent.
Thanks to all of the Mami fans for your patience and support!
-Tsubie & bobby
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