Fri 15 Mar 2019
OUT: Hori-san to Miyamura-kun Ep 4
Posted by mamochan under Releases
[6] Comments
As promised, here is episode 4 of Hori-san to Miyamura-kun. You thought we would take a year or two to finish the ep? Bet you didn’t see this coming. Huge thanks goes out to autotren (for translating Hori-san 4 for us) and jmaeshawn (for TL checking the ep).
Filename: [Live-eviL]_Hori-san_to_Miyamura-kun_OVA_04v2_[DVD][10bit][8C02D89A].mkv
Size: 122,002,828 bytes
CRC: 8C02D89A
MD5: 049845fcc35e4758b9eab376f696adeb
Enjoy the ep! — Mamo
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.
P.S. Fixed up the errors. Hopefully that will be it. No one likes a version 3.
I love you guys.
The part where Hori ask about Chika’s first name isn’t that actually suppose be her asking about her last name? Last that is how it is in the manga.
Thanks for pointing that out. Made the fix and released 😀
I can’t get the captions to work. I’ve tried turning them off and on and re-downloading the video but it doesn’t seem to work. Is there a fix for this? Also I tried the other two episodes and had the same problem on episode 3 but 1-2 worked fine.
they are working OK for me.
please state what system you are using and what player and codec pack loaded