Sat 12 Jun 2010
Winter Sonata 21 AND Bonus episode 00!
Posted by tlynnec under Releases
[5] Comments
We decided to hold episode 00 until now because, in terms of the timeline of Winter Sonata, it really belongs in the time gap midway through episode 21. So, without further ado, enjoy!
Episode 21:
Calvados. Lowering Asian women’s inhibitions since 1554
Episode 00:
Watch out Uruguay — the French are vicious.
Release information:
720p – [Frostii_Live-eviL]_Winter_Sonata_-_21_[48177B56].mkv
480p – [Frostii_Live-eviL]_Winter_Sonata_-_21_[EE597F7D].avi
720p – [Frostii_Live-eviL]_Winter_Sonata_-_00_[8BD20EA4].mkv
480p – [Frostii_Live-eviL]_Winter_Sonata_-_00_[CEAB8C8F].avi
As usual, these episodes are available on the bots in our IRC channel, and Frostii’s channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.
Thanks for the release, I would REALLY like to see the rest of this soon! It’s been over for a long time already!
Wait so the stuff that happens in episode 00 happens in the MIDDLE of episode 21?
Also, once again thanks for the episodes!
Thank you!
aaaaaa cant wait for the next. grrr