Archive for April, 2007

The president of the company sponsoring Meirin’s Dad’s show comes to him for help in settling negotiations. But if he fails, they could lose it all and be forced to leave town. What would Meirin do if she couldn’t ever see Asuka-kun again?

File Info:
File name: [HnK & L-E] Ask Dr. Rin! – Ep 09.XviD.avi
MD5: 3114EEB17AB7C20F34ACC89F5AD00E09
CRC: 69294171
File size: 183,496,960 bytes

Get it from the bots in our IRC channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.



The Plan of the Thousand-year Thief

Finally, we have released the next episode of Queen Millennia.
It has been 10 months since our last release.
This new episode brings more excitement of the journeys that Hajime takes.

Filename: Live-eviL]_Queen_Millennia_(TV)_-_03_[E6C8CCC1].mkv
Size: 178295518
MD5: a9f26a781f087b0552bb2f3ea7e326bf

Available now via BitTorrent.


The Ladies of Live-evil are proud to bring you a new show! We’ve had fun working on this one, and we hope you’ll enjoy it too.

Tensions are high between the Kingdoms of Wellber and Sangatras, but a royal wedding will bring peace. That is, it should have, until the Prince is murdered on the wedding night! Meanwhile, a thief stumbles on the scene at exactly the wrong time. Now, Princess Rita and the thief Tina are running for their lives. But there is more than meets the eye… Can they make it to Greedom in time to prevent war? And who is Tina searching for?

Two women, a fairy, and a talking tank… what more could we ask for in an anime?

File info:
Filename: [Live-evil]_Wellber_no_Monogatari_01_[31A46ADC].avi
MD5: 4c4bc249ac9ed99ed310251081873f52
Size: 180944896

Get it from the bots in our IRC channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.

