Wed 8 Apr 2020
OUT: Windaria ’86 Movie (DVD)
Posted by mamochan under Releases
[3] Comments
Hello! How is everyone doing? Staying home I hope? Have enough toilet paper?
I know a lot of you were expecting a blu-ray release for Windaria.
Sadly no. Only a DVD release with fixes.
I bet you are asking “Wait, didn’t you already release this a few years ago?”
Yes. However, all we did was re-mux the OCR’d script with no fixes.
Took many months to fix up the script.
Update: The font issue has been fixed. Sorry about that.
You shouldn’t have any issues now.
Here is a list of media players that I recommend you use for future releases:
If you continue to experience any problems, please drop by the IRC channel and we’ll try to solve the issue.
Two rival kingdoms vie for fresh water and in the process end up destroying their entire society.
As seen through the eyes of an innocent go-between, this tragic story details the depths to which loyalty and everlasting love must be tested, in a futile attempt to save a world from total destruction.
– Mamo
Filename: [Live-eviL]_Windaria_Movie_1986_[DVD][A21297B4].mkv
Size: 2,953,467,730 bytes (2.8 GB)
CRC: A21297B4
MD5: 80dedf888ffe803d2a97749b17634760
As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel, or grab it off BitTorrent.