Archive for November, 2012

Almost done with Yawara! Just 14 more eps to go!
Hanazono’s face looks like he’s about to explode. Hokuto no Ken anyone? 🙂
Here is the batch torrent for Eps 101-110

Episode Title: My Champion
Filename: [FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_110_[DVD][734DC156].mkv
Size: 183,733,856 bytes
CRC: 734DC156
MD5: e727cec18b8658ac44f62c21d00705f0

As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel,?#live-evil grab it off?BitTorrent. You can also grab the episodes from?#frostii


Another Yawara episode as promised! Will Hanazono’s training be a success or a fail?
Only one way to find out, download and watch 🙂

Episode Title: Hanazono’s Burning “I Love You”
Filename: [FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_109_[DVD][F347842A].mkv
Size: 183,664,287 bytes
CRC: F347842A
MD5: 34dcdb3b64cb1a79aee5bcf1cd12f564

As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel,?#live-evil grab it off?BitTorrent. You can also grab the episodes from?#frostii


Sorry for the long delay. There are more episodes on the way! Can’t promise we’ll finish before the year is out, but you never know.
Someone in this episode gets an ippon. Not once, but twice! Only one way to find out, download and watch 🙂

Episode Title: Resolve Among Men
Filename: [FroZen-EviL]_Yawara_-_108_[DVD][D249F853].mkv
Size: 183,740,249 bytes
CRC: D249F853
MD5: 4436a8e92c4633c6aa45d11933bc21bb

As usual, get it from the bots in our IRC channel,?#live-evil grab it off?BitTorrent. You can also grab the episodes from?#frostii
